Friday, October 23, 2020

Envy (And Bitterness)


May bitterness swim away,

an ne'er more been seen this day,

For the salmon out to sea is lost for all ,

And most to me,

Ne’er let me see spawn the horrid hulk,

Of nights forlorn,

With bitter heart and angered grief,

Envy blaming others whilst,

trying for me to elope with relief,

Let’s upstream against the current flow,

with Wisdoms words I don’t yet know,

With her words that will refresh a heart,

And peaceful play in life my part.

Thomas Poe


January 07

Bitterness and perhaps envy can fill oceans but holding on to these 

will not bring peace or win a race or cook a dinner.

edited by Etches October Carona 20

Saturday, September 26, 2020


There's instability in the atmosphere!

Small things matter,                now truly they do,
body blow,                             (after blow after blow), 
stand up,                                
with friends, arms across your shoulders,

Touch the earth,                      touch reality,
breathe in the sky,                  soul refreshing,
embrace,                                an other,

walk around,                           look over our shoulder,
the construct of our mind,        kindly, smile at others,
evaluate,                                 in love,

be-friend,                               yourself and another,
His strength lifts,                     kind words,
he whispers,                            to you & me,

look at your feet,
where are you standing?
have you been transported? &
are you standing where you ought to be? 

Etches Penmen
19th Feb 2019
& Sept 2020

Deja-vu = to see again


Orange has a History 
but just for today let's just ignore 
Orange failings


When God made me 
He was thinking in Orange
and made a special batch

Orange is the colour
and Orange and I are in love
and have been for a very long time

It laughs
it sings
its the breeze that's cool and comes in

always smiling
always gay
when I bleed its orange you'll see

If I speak , let the words in orange be
If I write, may you feel the orange as you read
watch in case you see Orange and I walk by

Etches Penmen 
Sept 2020


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Be at Peace

 Am I wrestling the world?

or am I wrestling only myself?
can I break the law?
or only break myself upon it?

I have a sense,
I should have purpose,
but my purpose is like a twinkling mist dancing at my fingertips,
not for grasping,
only for following,
without a single promise.

Who laid these expectations on my neck?
Who shackled me behind life's oxen?
I look over my shoulder hoping for rescue,
and wishing at the mountains.


8th August 2017 
Thomas Poe

I love you AFM

A dance to find a thought

a thought lost,

in the bracken of my soul,


little Child,

the one you love is taken.

but for this thought,

cry with pain,

cry with humanity broken,

cry in utter empty desperation,

‘have I not....’

‘did you not know....’

cry revealing,

a slice, a glimpse, a droplet,

of the true quantum particle, 

that 'elusive emotion',

that red shift revealing pattern and,

a thought hidden from the eye,

is it prides’ gravitational pull?

or does my soul know?

the dangerous thought, 

he cares



T Poe

just around the corner in this crowded city lies a thought hidden

a fact of love hidden and elusive the suited crowds walk by hardling

lifting thier heads not thinking to just take a peek around the corner 

where this thought lies in wait

the evening

As the evening draws in,

I stand with my back towards,

the waning sun,

and my shadow grows long,

Covering all that I have been given,

All those I have known.


Is it a spirit of darkest foreboding? 

or a gentle presence touching those I love? 

I wonder what will remain,

When the sun goes down?

I wonder.


What will survive in the dark of this night?

When the frost and cold, 

and the thief and vermin,

come without care to call, 

and take a prize. 


as the evening draws in,

I wonder what will remain come morning?

T Poe 

May 2005

(Counterpoised with this)

The truth will set you free.

Truth the white,

Truth the light, 

Truth that spring of pure water,

Freed not by privilege but, in hope.


This Truth heard lives in the heart,

and Truth in the heart. 

Divides the dark,

Darkness gone means, 

There is light,

a Light to the way,

To live a life,

Life in the full, 

Fully alive,

now there is truth.


T Poe 

May 2005

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

He is truth and life.

Where can I buy this truth? how I want for instant effortless satisfaction

Can it be seen, can it be known? Can I touch and feel it whe I am alone?

Will I know it when I see it? Will it fade away?

Truth in the soul brings peace and

Truth in the mind Guides theGuides the hand

in What Small Spaces

in What Small places does man dwell ?

in His Mind?

in His heart? or just, 

a small room in which to write?

a noble house or home?

or with yard and gate? the nobles' estate?

in village or town?

in grand county or state?


to move.

a yellow bike?

a green bus?,

a hybrid car? 

tho in and through all,

just a few precious feet of space is filled.

By what?


Gods incarnate, 

powers of Merlin or,

mere lily-of the field?


hope desires wishes wants,

are these small spaces to build or to war?

to fight and save? 

or curse and destroy?


oh the depth of my soul ,

does not know,

The limitations of this, 

body and being.

reach out to eternity? and beyond?

or perhaps a journey inwards 

pause and reflect 

discover a universe from this very chair

Seek ye the destination of,

Our dreams.

T Poe
circa 2006

Should we just exist without asking questions about ourselves
Of what construct are we 
we are so very small and yet we behave as though we are everything 
filling the Universe 

Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.