Friday, October 23, 2020

Envy (And Bitterness)


May bitterness swim away,

an ne'er more been seen this day,

For the salmon out to sea is lost for all ,

And most to me,

Ne’er let me see spawn the horrid hulk,

Of nights forlorn,

With bitter heart and angered grief,

Envy blaming others whilst,

trying for me to elope with relief,

Let’s upstream against the current flow,

with Wisdoms words I don’t yet know,

With her words that will refresh a heart,

And peaceful play in life my part.

Thomas Poe


January 07

Bitterness and perhaps envy can fill oceans but holding on to these 

will not bring peace or win a race or cook a dinner.

edited by Etches October Carona 20

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