Saturday, September 26, 2020


There's instability in the atmosphere!

Small things matter,                now truly they do,
body blow,                             (after blow after blow), 
stand up,                                
with friends, arms across your shoulders,

Touch the earth,                      touch reality,
breathe in the sky,                  soul refreshing,
embrace,                                an other,

walk around,                           look over our shoulder,
the construct of our mind,        kindly, smile at others,
evaluate,                                 in love,

be-friend,                               yourself and another,
His strength lifts,                     kind words,
he whispers,                            to you & me,

look at your feet,
where are you standing?
have you been transported? &
are you standing where you ought to be? 

Etches Penmen
19th Feb 2019
& Sept 2020

Deja-vu = to see again

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Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.