Saturday, August 15, 2020

A dance to find a thought

a thought lost,

in the bracken of my soul,


little Child,

the one you love is taken.

but for this thought,

cry with pain,

cry with humanity broken,

cry in utter empty desperation,

‘have I not....’

‘did you not know....’

cry revealing,

a slice, a glimpse, a droplet,

of the true quantum particle, 

that 'elusive emotion',

that red shift revealing pattern and,

a thought hidden from the eye,

is it prides’ gravitational pull?

or does my soul know?

the dangerous thought, 

he cares



T Poe

just around the corner in this crowded city lies a thought hidden

a fact of love hidden and elusive the suited crowds walk by hardling

lifting thier heads not thinking to just take a peek around the corner 

where this thought lies in wait

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Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.