Saturday, August 15, 2020

in What Small Spaces

in What Small places does man dwell ?

in His Mind?

in His heart? or just, 

a small room in which to write?

a noble house or home?

or with yard and gate? the nobles' estate?

in village or town?

in grand county or state?


to move.

a yellow bike?

a green bus?,

a hybrid car? 

tho in and through all,

just a few precious feet of space is filled.

By what?


Gods incarnate, 

powers of Merlin or,

mere lily-of the field?


hope desires wishes wants,

are these small spaces to build or to war?

to fight and save? 

or curse and destroy?


oh the depth of my soul ,

does not know,

The limitations of this, 

body and being.

reach out to eternity? and beyond?

or perhaps a journey inwards 

pause and reflect 

discover a universe from this very chair

Seek ye the destination of,

Our dreams.

T Poe
circa 2006

Should we just exist without asking questions about ourselves
Of what construct are we 
we are so very small and yet we behave as though we are everything 
filling the Universe 

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