Friday, October 23, 2020

Conspired Events

Giving. Being. Thinking. Having.

Stopping, Going. Playing. Sleeping.

Talking. Smiling. Praying.

                Just Saying,

Eating. Drinking. Paying. Holding. 

Listening. Breathing. Hugging.

                Just Hoping,

Reading. Reaching. Falling. Staying.

                Just Trying,


                 Just loving.

Walking. Running. Raining. Cleaning. Breathing. Swimming. Snorkelling. Flying. Imagining.


Etches Penmen,

16th Feb 2019

A Birthday

Belief, Does my life reflect my belief, or do I find myself caught in the silver silent threads of worldly comprise and construct, themselves amoral and deaf and dead? What is my priority and is it my priority? 

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Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.