Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Cast me out as dust,
But save your name,
Leave me in dark shadow,
That no one speak ill of you,
Forsake me beyond the gate,
That others may not turn away,

Silent will I be,
Say nothing that I knew you,
If that is your wish and will,

But know that I will never,
Know that I shall not,
Know now forever,
That your name is never lost,

Spurn gossip and deny,
My actions did belie,
A truth hid in a lie,
My soul laid down to die,

Around the ragged rock,
The ragged rascal ran,
A ragged rock am I,
Running from I am,

Lieing at the heart, 
A fault line vein of old,
Dividing mind apart ,
Artists expression told.

Thomas Poe
Aug 2003

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Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. www.poeandpenmen.blog Thanks Etienne.