Sunday, May 17, 2020

It Came to Pass

Pass high (in the mountains).
For I must be about my fathers business.
Storing treasures in the heart.

And it came to pass,
That after forty years in our wilderness,
We saw as though the first dawn,
We saw,
For suddenly there was with the angel,
a Multitude of the host of heaven.

Quickly can the loneliness be forgotten,
And the river filled.

Behold there was a man who came out,
of the waters and the spirit was upon him ,
We saw as though the first dawn,
We saw,
Yes all those who heard him were astonished,
They were amazed.

'Return to the quarry, the rock from which you were hewn',
Return and see the journey for all its (h)arrows and (h)ills.  
I must be about my fathers business.

Thomas Poe
Singapore Jan  2007

Spirit teach me your ways
Luke chapter 1
Music [Mark Schultz a 1000 miles and more, low key.]

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Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.