Friday, April 4, 2008

Blew a Fuse

Blew a Fuse

A narrow path,                 A cliché,
Between tall rocks,            A bears tale,
the Mist of Aargorn?          A classic tall story,
on A road less travelled.     A 70’s psychology, 

Failure: Set a goal; did not achieve,
Let another; alas my own demise,
Rejection now, for failure of attention.

How can I give my ‘on’?
The tools for this, this, 
long road to run?

Another day, another hour,
Pick up this minute,
Hope to try again.

Etches Penman 
April 2008 
45 Minutes to Midnight

Etches emendments  

Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.