Saturday, February 2, 2002

Wandering Dust



Walking the earth,

Earth walking earth.

The dust of the earth,

Rose up and walked on dust,

Now the dust wanders wondering,

how dust came to wonder.

and why like dust,

man blows from,

place to place,

never at peace because he knows,

he is just wandering dust.

Life from dust to dust,

Life wandering the surface of the earth,

Wandering in wonder.

T. Poe 

Feb 2002

I like dust between my toes, sticking when they’ve been wet.

I think of dust storms so destructive yet powerful and amazing,

Dust storms are when men think they can do more than dust can do.

Politicians are oft dust storms, a blinding fog of flaky humanity swirling around.

Hi Poetry People We have moved the blog to a new location, to overcome some limitations of Blogger. Thanks Etienne.